
Input Files

Data files containing a single matrix each. Either Matlab (.mat) format or ASCII text format is accepted. Wavelength units should be either nm or microns (not wavenumbers).

Add More

Known variables

Modeling choices



Usable range of wavelengths (in microns). Use the plots above to determine good cutoffs.

Interpolation options

Solve for k (All Input Files)
Solve for k (global)
Note: The bounds for Henyey Greenstein Function - 0 <= b <= 1, 0 <= c <= 1.
The bounds for Legendre Function - -1.7 <= b <= 1.7, -1 <= c <= 2

Optimization Parameters

Minimization Parameters

Add in MIR data

Matlab MAT-files containing a single matrix each. Wavelength units should be either nm or microns (not wavenumbers).

If you don't have MIR data, in Adjustment Type - use option No MIR data
Compute index of refraction (Kramers-Kronig)

Known variables

Optimize phase function parameters

Phase Files

Add Phase Angles

Parameters Affecting k

Minimization Parameters

Repeat k
Note: The bounds for Henyey Greenstein Function - 0 <= b <= 1, 0 <= c <= 1.
The bounds for Legendre Function - -1.7 <= b <= 1.7, -1 <= c <= 2

Optimization Parameters

Minimization Parameters